Why is technology important? Is it good or bad?

First and foremost, it is necessary to acknowledge that technology created the future and that without it, man would still live in ancient times. Thus, humanity would not have overcome life’s various difficulties.

Because if it wasn’t technological inventions, we didn’t detect electricity, so we didn’t detect the heater. And even we didn’t invent the mobile phone or the computer you’re reading through right now.

So can you imagine how dark the world would have been?

It is therefore incumbent upon all of us to be aware of its importance. But the question that comes to mind for all of us is: “Did technology not also carry damage to humanity? Thus, is technology good or bad? “

This is the answer you will learn about in this article.

technology in the world

Definition of technology

Technology can be defined as the product of using human knowledge to achieve a specific goal by the invention. It therefore embraces an idea that serves humanity and thus achieves the practical achievement of this idea. It is thus transformed into something tangible using the knowledge and information available to humans.

So technology is the foundation of human evolution and the path that led humanity to modernity, invention, and the facilitation of human life by reducing human effort and exploiting the machine’s effort to carry out the same work that a natural human being can accomplish in less time, and often more efficiently.

Technology is also associated with many life aspects, and as a result, we can tell today that it is becoming associated with almost every area. This is because it was limited to the military or technical aspect, whereas today it has become a basis in each house from the light that illuminates the room to the smart homes.

Certainly, human achievement is not without adverse effects, which can depend mainly on how we understand and use technology.

The role of technology in our daily life

In recent years, as a result of the successive developments that have taken place, the results of the evolution have become the basis of our daily lives whether we acknowledge it or not, so we will mention some aspects in which technology has influenced us:

1. Facilitate social communication

When we can contact anyone we need at any time, then we can say that technological development has greatly facilitated social communication, shortening distances to make them absent in theory.

Regardless of the call, there are many ways of communicating online that all social media apps currently offer. WhatsApp, Messenger, and many more.

Many recent applications have also emerged that have made the process of holding meetings, conferences, and discussing lectures online very easy. All you need is a computer or mobile phone, plus download the app on this device!

One of the most popular applications was Zoom.

2. Reducing time by using the machine

The most obvious impact of using technology is the machine using that employs technology to reduce voltage and shorten the time. This was done by making the machine do the same job as a man for less time and more quality.

You might think that by machine we mean robots, smart houses, and complex inventions, but it’s so much closer. Your blender, electric oven, and even your mobile phone are the closest examples of facilitating technology for human life.

3. Facilitate the shopping process

Many people may suffer from not having enough time to shop, and older people may have difficulty so they can’t go shopping.

So technology solved this problem by providing online shopping, which took forms including shopping through social media apps, and shopping through a store-specific app (such as apps for fast food restaurants). Also, there are retail websites that provide a full online marketplace like Amazon’s.

4. Facilitate access to information

Steve Harvey (Human Development Instructor) says:

When I was your age and I wanted to get information, I had to go to the library, go to the index of cards and pull it open, find the book, find the number and go up to the elevator, go to the class and find the number book, get the book. And you’ll be lucky if someone doesn’t rip up the page you wanted…

If you want to know about elephants, you can buy an encyclopedia with two pages on elephants, and that’s all you’ll get!

Today… You all have Google!

Not only Google, but we also have all kinds of apps and websites, as well as e-books that enable you to access any information at any time, so we have to be thankful for this grace.

5. Business facilitation

As we mentioned by many online apps, it has become possible to hold meetings and conferences remotely. Additionally, facilitating remote social communication can contribute to facilitating business management.

We also have many applications that are used to manage tasks (such as the Notion app) that aim to facilitate management and administration processes. Also, some applications support cloud services to support co-working (such as Google Drive) and applications that support BIM technology (such as engineering applications the most famous of which is Rivet Revit).

6. Follow up on health matters

Online applications that monitor human health have recently spread by measuring many human health indicators.

Apps that work as a special sports instructor can provide you with daily sports training depending on your state of health. One example is the sport app that allows switching the number of steps you take while walking or running, using digital currencies (such as Sweat Coin).

Types of technology

1. Artificial intelligence “AI”

Artificial intelligence is a simulation of the human mind using systems, machines, and technologies to perform high-level tasks whose performance requires human intelligence.

One of the most popular examples of AI is the “Google Assistant” found on each mobile phone.

2. Information Technology “IT”

They include systems, machinery, and computers to store, process, send, and recover information whenever it arises. Thus facilitating the storage and information organization.

One of the most important IT applications is phone and radio devices.

3. Space Technology

It is the field that helps scientists explore space and observe the Earth, so this Space Technology is used in navigation and communications. In addition to many human activities outside the Earth’s atmosphere.

One of the most important examples of space technology is satellite communications (e.g. traffic police communications, military communications, emergency communications from ships and ships). Also radio, GPS systems, and telescope.

4. Entertainment Technology

This type is the most existing type, which is to employ technology to secure various entertainment means whether by electronic gaming, TV, live streaming, or otherwise.

A common example of using technology for entertainment is virtual reality and augmented reality.

5. Medical Technology

It had a significant impact on people’s lives preservation and is therefore the greatest evidence of the amount of trust we can put in technology.

Using technology in medicine aims to conduct health assessments, diagnostics, disease management, and treatment. It also plays a significant role in medicines manufacturing.

Some of the most important examples of medical technology are diagnostic imaging, robotic surgery, pressure gauges, and electronic sugar.

6. Operational Technology

It also defines “OT” as using various software, hardware, and programming processes to control and manage industrial machinery. In addition to allowing for monitoring changes in customers and devices.

The most prominent operational technologies are fire control systems.

7. Assistive Technology

Assistive technology makes everyday activities such as walking, bathing, climbing stairs, moving and other activities we do daily easier.

That is why the larger group (not all) it serves are those with special disabilities, providing them with an easy and smooth life, thereby helping them to have a normal life.

The most important innovations in this field are prosthetics, wheelchairs, and crutches.

8. Cyber Technology

which aims to manage military matters, support cybersecurity, and provide a higher level of safety, and can carry positive or negative results on the world.

It can include systems for protection against military attacks, while at the same time, it can include the manufacture of military equipment that can kill humanity.

The most prominent examples are air defense systems and military weapons of various kinds.

Benefits of technology

Certainly, the benefits that technology has brought to humankind are myriad, the most important being:

  • Facilitate communication and make it more effective.
  • Supporting manufacturing techniques to make them more efficient.
  • Reduce loss and loss in stock.
  • Improved storage and management systems.
  • Ability to develop new and innovative approaches in various fields.
  • Make marketing and promotion of products easier and more effective.
  • A major development in the medical field has contributed to the preservation of human life and thus the reduction of mortality by confronting and early detection of diseases.
  • Significant security development, through greater security.
  • Contribute to the individual’s development by providing the educational process and acquiring knowledge online, thereby placing them within everyone’s reach.
  • Save time and effort and make doing operations easy.
  • Provide a suitable environment for different people with different disabilities or needs through the employment of the machine.

Technology disadvantages and risks

Albert Einstein said: “I’m afraid the day technology will go beyond our human interaction… the world would then be a generation of idiots “.

According to the composition of this world in which we live, each development has two sides, the first is positive and the second is negative. Accordingly, it has carried technological development, and over-reliance on machines and made it an essential part of every day that we live with many negative effects on humanity, most notably:

  • Excessive reliance on the machine.
  • Lack of employment opportunities due to greater reliance on machinery and the renunciation of human efforts.
  • The large costs resulting from their use and therefore the large cost to small companies.
  • Close supermarkets in favor of online businesses.
  • Continuous updates are required.
  • Any defect or failure can interrupt all operations whether they are commercial or other, as a result, service will be disrupted.
  • Replace human communication with communication through technology.
  • The dangers of recreational technology occupy the entire time of most adolescents and adults in our present era.
  • The use of technology in the invention of deadly military machinery and equipment.

In conclusion, it can be said that there is no established standard for measuring whether technology is good or bad. But the first influence on technology assessment is a human being who can make the use of technology moderate and limited solely to the positive aspects of use.

Of course, with technology’s capacity not being misunderstood to man’s capacity and with our greater confidence in the ability of the human mind to deliver.

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