What is quillbot? How can it help you to be a special content writer?

In the world of writing and editing, the use of technology and artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role in improving the productivity and quality of texts. Among the tools that stand out in this context is QuillBot. It is an advanced AI-based platform for improving writing skills. QuillBot offers a variety of services that facilitate the writing process and improve the quality of texts. QuillBot relies on machine learning and natural language processing techniques to improve texts. It is characterized by its ability to improve linguistic composition, organize ideas, and remove errors in all forms of text. As well as detect plagiarism and AI writing. In this article, we will provide a detailed explanation of QuillBot and an accurate explanation of all the tools it offers that will help you as a content writer improve your texts. Plus we’ll take a look at QuillBot’s paid plan prices and features.

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What is quillbot?

Quillbot is a reformulation tool using AI capabilities, with the primary purpose of which is to simplify sentences to facilitate understanding and learning. It has a free plan that may be enough for many, and despite some limitations on some of the tools in this version, it can still do a lot.

Quillbot prices

It so far includes two plans, the first free limited features, and the second paid Quillbot Premium. The paid plan comes in three tracks, the first is paid monthly for $19.55 per month. The second is to pay semi-annually for $13.33 per month invoiced every 6 months. In the latter, an annual deposit is made for $8.33 per month, which is invoiced annually. All plans come with a 3-day money-back guarantee of subscription and usage and with the temporarily discontinued plan.

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What features does Quillbot Premium offer?

quillbot Premium opens up new horizons in the field of AI writing improvement and enables accuracy and speed doubling in the implementation of Quillbot’s free operations. Also, quillbot Premium allows access to some unacceptable tools through free quillbot, especially in the area of reformulation. It eliminates the limitations of the use of the free version.

What is the difference between free Quillbot and Quillbot premium?

The free and paid versions of Quillbot vary with the features they offer and the permitted amount of use. While the paid version allows unlimited use of resources, the free version is limited to 125 words in the redrafting process, with the standard or fluency mode being used only in redrafting a particular text. While allowing limited use of the Synym Slider indicator that determines how far you want to change words and replace them with their synonyms in the reformulation process. When dealing with text shortcuts, the number of words is limited to 1,200 words in the free plan. With limited scans using the plagiarism checker which in the free version is limited to 3 scans per month (up to 300 words per scan). Finally, the free version allows only one word of the text to be frozen as it is reworked using Quillbot.

How do I get to quillbot? / Download killbot

Quillbot is available across a range of apps and browsing extensions so you can use it anywhere and anytime.

Download quillbot

1.  Quillbot extension for the browser

quillbot is available as an extension of Chrome, Edge, and Safari browsers. It works according to Quillbot’s full capabilities within any tab you open, whether your email, website or even Twitter tweet.

You can get a Quillbot extension for Chrome browser here: click here

You can get the Quillbot extension of the Edge browser here: click here

2.  Quillbot’s AI Writing Keyboard Application for Smartphones

This app works beside the virtual keyboard as a corrected and improved tool for writing methods using mobile phones. It is powered by Android and iOS.

You can get the Quillbot app for Android from here: click here

You can get Quillbot for iOS here: click here

3.  Quillbot for computers

Quillbot works for computers as a background assistant who corrects, checks and improves what you write. It will accompany you in a lot of apps such as Notes, Slack, and many more. It is currently available for macOS and will soon be available for Windows.

To access Quillbot for macOS click here.

Tools provided by Quillbot

4.  Writing tools from Quillbot

quillbot’s writing tools allow you to perform all the tasks related to writing content. Such as redrafting texts, online research and citing sources directly, translating texts. In addition to detecting plagiarism and writing with artificial intelligence, and many more. Below is an explanation of all the writing tools that Cowell Bot offers that allow you to write useful and attractive texts.

5.  Reformulation Tool: Paraphraser

Quillbot’s reworking feature can reframe your article in a great way. Thanks to the existence of a large number of options and features for rewriting and drafting texts, most notably writing in an official way, an abbreviation of the paragraph, enlargement of the paragraph, simplified writing, creative writing, and many more. With the indicator determine how much change you want in the vocabulary. Moving the cursor to the right indicates that you need more change, and moving it to the left tells Quillbot that you want less change in synonyms. Accordingly, this indicator indicates the extent to which the paragraph’s vocabulary has been modified.

6.  Text Summary Tool: Summarizer

This tool summarizes the useful points in your paragraph, with two options and an indicator. The first option would be to summarize the paragraph to multiple points. The second is to summarize the paragraph ad hoc. In the custom summary, you can give instructions to Quillbot to summarize your text in a unique way to be determined by you. The indicator is used to determine the length of the paragraph resulting from the summary.

7.  AI Content Writing Tool: QuillBot Flow

QuillBot Flow is a comprehensive tool for artificial intelligence writing and creative text fabrication. It includes searching the web and automatically introducing and citing web content. In addition to reformulation options, grammar auditing, and many more.

8.  Plagiarism Checker: Plagiarism Checker

The AI plagiarism checker detects plagiarism in your articles. It offers a special option to enter your files to quickly scan your articles and long texts.

9.  Word Counter

This tool helps calculate the number of words in text, according to the basic rules. If you don’t know that some of the featured characters are not counted as a word and that the connected words are counted as just one word, then you’d prefer to let QuillBot do the job instead of you. In addition, this tool provides the ability to coordinate paragraphs. As well as the number of characters constraints on some social platforms such as Facebook and X.

10.   Translator of Text from Quillbot – Translator

Quillbot ‘s free translator supports more than 40 different languages and uses AI capabilities to translate words, phrases, and language terminology. It is like the rest of Quillbot’s tools fully free translator. It is also an online translator that does not need to download or install.

11.   AI writing detector – AI detector

Quillbot’s online AI writing detector allows text analysis and discovery written using Chatgpt, GPT-4, Gemini, and other AI text generators.

12.   Free Rule Tools

Quillbot’s free rule tools help test the authenticity of texts and are free from any language errors such as dictation, grammar, grammar, and punctuation. Here is a detailed explanation of these tools:

13.   Grammar Checker from Quillbot – Grammar Checker

The grammar checker allows you to improve your typing style by grammatical and spelling correction of errors while suggesting improvements to the used vocabulary. It can also handle different languages and dialects by filling the built-in AI capabilities with Quillbot.

14.   Online Proofreader

Free language auditor helps improve your writing level on the word, on the web, or whenever you need it. It is intended to work at the last stage of writing your text just before publication. To correct any spelling error, grammar, or numbering marks incorrectly placed in the text. Thus, with Online Proofreader you can ensure that your text is completely free from any potential error.

15.   Spell Checker

It is a first-class corrector that enables you to correct very accurate spelling and spelling errors.

16.   Punctuation: Punctuation

All you have to do with a punctuation checker is paste your text or upload the file in which you wrote, and then a Quillbot punctuation checker will correct all the punctuation errors.

17.   Article checker from Quillbot: Essay Checker

This auditor tests the veracity of your article from all drafting errors, dictates, grammar, and language. It offers you an integrated error-free article in a few seconds.

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