The Complete Guide to Medical Technology

Medical technology is one of the most important types of technology that has affected human life incredibly. Where assisting technology in medicine has had great achievements, it has helped improve our standard of life.

It also improved treatment methods by providing therapeutic techniques and sanitary tools for diseases that man believed were impossible to heal.

This technology has also clearly contributed to reducing the number of deaths globally and facilitating the treatment and diagnosis of patients by making the disease manageable.

Thus, the entry of medical technology into human life can be considered one of the most qualitative leaps in technology over the ages.

Medical technology
Medical technology

Definition of medical technology

According to WHO, medical technology is investing knowledge and applying skills to develop medical equipment and materials including devices, vaccines, medicines, and processes. This is all aimed at finding solutions to medical problems and improving life quality.

Thus, the entry of medical technology into human life can be considered one of the most qualitative technologies over the ages.

Examples of medical technology

First and foremost, medical technology has myriad applications that have greatly protected human life over the ages.

One of the most important examples is the devices used to immediately measure the real-time state of the human body, such as pressure, sugar, and pulse measurements.

Some medical technological devices have also been instrumental in preserving the patient’s life for the longest period. For example, ventilators and electric shock devices.

Medical technology also contributed to the early detection of diseases. This has been done through the process of medical analyses governed by technology such as urination tests, pregnancy tests, brain electrolyte planning, toxicology tests, and others.

Do not forget the role of medical technology in providing adequate living conditions for people with disabilities such as electric chairs and others.

In addition to many other technological tools that have had a direct impact on improving human life

Advantages of medical technology

Recording patient records electronically in hospitals: this feature has greatly facilitated the manual recording of patients’ information and has therefore reduced the time needed to record information. In addition, electronically registered files are less likely to be damaged than paper files.

1.   Communication systems between patients and specialists in the hospital:

Rapid communication devices were placed in each patient’s room so that when a patient felt at risk, he could contact the hospital receiving department.

This helped facilitate patient monitoring and sustain patients’ lives, as access to a risk patient in the hospital became faster.

Improving health care:

Many medical technological tools and equipment have been invented and are still being developed until our day.

Examples: pressure gauge, sugar gauge, and heart rate gauges.

Many of these devices are so simple to use and they are found in every home. In addition, anyone with any degree of education can simply use them. This has helped to make part of the medical examination available to any individual and not the preserve of doctors.

2.   Reduce medical errors by making the disease detection process with accurate and reliable results:

Thanks to the use of modern technology in the early detection of diseases, technology can detect many diseases that are unpredictable to humans.

Wearable medical technology tools have become available in the market thanks to modern medical technology.

Examples are smartwatches, blood pressure measurements, and many other tools that show an individual’s current state of health.

3.   The possibility of telemedicine:

Where the Internet has become a sea of information, anyone who is sick can search Google using their symptoms.

On the other hand, it is possible to communicate with doctors remotely. This is done through official websites, social media websites, and telecommunication apps. Therefore, medical advice can be taken for diseases that do not require actual medical examination.

4.   Recording patient records electronically in hospitals:

This feature has greatly facilitated the manual recording of patients’ information and has therefore reduced the time needed to record information. In addition, electronically registered files are less likely to be damaged than paper files.

5.   Communication systems between patients and specialists in the hospital:

Rapid communication devices were placed in each patient’s room so that when a patient felt at risk, he could contact the hospital receiving department.

This helped facilitate patient monitoring and sustain patients’ lives, as access to a risk patient in the hospital became faster.

6.   Improving health care:

Many medical technological tools and equipment have been invented and are still being developed until our day.

Examples: pressure gauge, sugar gauge, and heart rate gauges.

Many of these devices are so simple to use and they are found in every home. In addition, anyone with any degree of education can simply use them. This has helped to make part of the medical examination available to any individual and not the preserve of doctors.

7.   Reduce medical errors by making the disease detection process with accurate and reliable results:

Thanks to the use of modern technology in the early detection of diseases, technology can detect many diseases that are unpredictable to humans.

Wearable medical technology tools have become available in the market thanks to modern medical technology.

Examples are smartwatches, blood pressure measurements, and many other tools that show an individual’s current state of health.

8.   The possibility of telemedicine:

Where the Internet has become a sea of information, anyone who is sick can search Google using their symptoms.

On the other hand, it is possible to communicate with doctors remotely. This is done through official websites, social media websites, and telecommunication apps. Therefore, medical advice can be taken for diseases that do not require actual medical examination.

The future of medical technology

Of all the areas of technology, health technology is the most important in making a better future because when we talk about protecting human life, nothing is more important.

Many areas of technology have come to overlap with and serve medical technology in one way or another, and let’s mention some of them:

1.   Artificial Intelligence (AI)

which makes a significant difference in the medical field by increasing productivity and reducing the burden on medical staff. In addition, it increases productivity and opens up new prospects for patient screening, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases.

2.   5G technology

Which was a very important point for connecting medical technological tools and telemedicine processes and which was greatly facilitated by this technique.

3.   Robots (Robotics)

which had the greatest role in supporting the medical field.

From assisting medical staff in monitoring and caring for patients to assisting with precision surgeries and prosthetics.

4.   3D Printing

which allows rapid development and manufacture of prototypes, and therefore allows the manufacture of individual and personal prosthetics.

Medical technology vs Health technology

Medical technology

This technique is commonly used to diagnose, care for patients, and improve human health. It is therefore specific to diagnosis and treatment, not prevention.

This technique therefore includes medical tools, equipment, machinery, software, and tools.

They are also intended for faster and more accurate diagnosis, more accurate examinations, and safe surgeries.

Examples of “MedTech” medical technology are thermometers, stethoscopes, inhalers and MRI, etc.

Health technology

It is a technology that improves health care and is concerned with surveillance and care rather than treatment. So, this technology includes medical databases and wearable medical devices.

An example of this technology is medical devices worn by patients. These devices track a person’s steps and measure blood sugar and heart rate. Sometimes you may automatically send information to a health app on their phone, which in turn analyses the patient’s health habits and sends them recommendations according to the analysis.

Medical technology: its most positive and negative effects, what is its future, what is the difference between medical and health technology.

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