Firewalls in cybersecurity: what is it, and how does it work?

In today’s digital age, and with the technological development we are witnessing, cyber threats are becoming increasingly complex. Individuals and organizations alike must prioritize the protection of their digital data and the security of their networks, and one of the most important cybersecurity tools is Firewall. The firewall is a network security system, that monitors and controls inbound, and outbound network traffic based on predetermined security rules, and its primary purpose is to create a barrier between intranet and outbound networks, such as the Internet. Or between different networks within the organization.

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How does a firewall work?

When you apply the firewall, every traffic between the intranet and the external network will travel through it. The firewall checks each network package and blocks or allows it based on some security rules. These rules can be configured based on many factors, like IP addresses, port numbers, and application types.

When a connection request from an external device reaches the intranet, the firewall analyses and examines the accompanying data by these rules. If the data conforms to the specified rules, the firewall allows connectivity. Conversely, if data violates the rules, the firewall refuses to connect and prevents data from entering the Intranet. As for outgoing traffic, the rules may prevent certain applications from connecting through external ports or control access to prohibited external servers.

Basic Types of Firewall

1.   Protection walls for beam filter

A basic type of firewall, it examines individual data packages as they travel between networks. Firewalls decide whether to allow or ban packages based on different criteria.

2.   Firewall that depends on inspection

Firewalls that rely on inspection go beyond packages by multi-layered surveillance, by keeping a record or status of communications passing through them. It then analyses the context of packages and compares them with specific patterns for detecting any anomalies or suspicious activities.

3.   Advanced firewall

Next-generation firewalls combine traditional firewall functions with advanced security features. They include intrusion prevention systems (IPS), Deep packet inspection (DPI), VPN capabilities, and more. These walls are designed to combat modern threats and provide an improved view of network traffic.

4.   Application-based firewall

It focuses on controlling access to applications and applying its protection policies, analyzing the content of data packages associated with applications to detect threats at the application level.

The importance of firewalls in cybersecurity

Firewalls play a crucial role in protecting networks and systems from cyber threats. Its importance comes from its characteristics, which mainly contribute to cybersecurity.

· Network protection

Firewalls act as the first defense line against unauthorized access and external threats. By monitoring and filtering incoming and outgoing traffic, they prevent harmful actors from compromising the safety and security of the network.

· Prevention of threats

Firewalls detect and block known threats, like malware, viruses, and denial-of-service attacks (DoS). Advanced firewalls with intrusive detection and prevention capabilities can identify suspicious behavior and stop potential attacks in real-time.

· Network fragmentation

Firewalls facilitate network fragmentation. So, they allow organizations to divide their internal networks into smaller segments that are isolated from each other. This helps to contain potential security breaches and reduce the attack’s impact by preventing lateral movement within the network.

· Access control

Firewalls enable organizations to enforce access control policies within their networks. They can restrict certain types of traffic, block IP addresses or specific areas, and set rules for user authentication, thereby reducing the attack surface, and enhancing public security.

Firewalls are a key element of a strong cybersecurity strategy. By effectively monitoring and filtering network traffic, firewalls protect networks and systems from unauthorized access, and harmful activities. Understanding the different types of protection walls, disseminating them by best practices, and regularly updating and controlling their configurations are crucial steps in creating a strong defense against cyber threats. Individuals and institutions must prioritize the implementation of firewalls as an essential component of their cybersecurity infrastructure.

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