How to create and format a table in Excel

The main purpose of using Excel is always to use the spreadsheet, as Excel provides very important features and advantages related to table.

Creating the table

As an example, we will use the sales of a library for six months, and we will link all this information.

the sales of a library for six months
the sales of a library for six months

First, we select all the information cells that we want to put in a table. This is done by dragging the mouse starting from the upper left cell down to the right cell at the bottom.

select all the information
select all the information

After that, we select the required cells and then click “Format As Table” in the toolbar.

"Format As Table"
“Format As Table”


We notice the appearance of many formats from which we choose the appropriate format. So, we choose a specific format from the formats provided, in our example, we will choose the following format:

Table Format

When we click on the required format, then we notice the appearance of a small banner containing the option “My Table Has Headers”. From this, we will determine whether the table is a set of elements only or contains a title at the top of each column.

"My Table Has Headers"
“My Table Has Headers”

In our example, we will choose that the table has titles. Therefore, we will select the option “My Table Has Headers”. Then we click “ok”, and as a result, we get the following:

the table

We can now, through the formats that will appear at the top within the toolbar, select another format for the table.

select another table format
select another format

More formatting options

By right-clicking on any arrow in the headings, we can filter and select the parts that we want to see. This is done by selecting and deselecting the elements.

filter the column
filter the column

Then, from the toolbar and the “Table Design” option, we can select and format more details.

"Table Design"
“Table Design”

By deselecting the “Filter Button” option, all the buttons in the headings are removed.

"Filter Button"
“Filter Button”

In addition, we can select the “First Column” option to make the first column Bold.

Also, the “Last Column” option allows us to make the first column from the right Bold.

As for the “Banded Columns” option, it is useful for planning columns in two different colors.

The “Banded Rows” option is also useful for planning rows in two different colors.

table style options
style options

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