Top 5 AI apps that changed the world

Nowadays, AI has become such an essential part of our daily lives that it is irreplaceable. It has brought about a massive technical revolution, causing fundamental changes in various aspects of life. AI helps improve and develop the way we perform our daily business with less effort, better style, and shorter time. As knowledge evolves using AI technologies and AI apps, the world will be able to leverage it to the maximum extent to achieve the desired goals and accomplish the desired work. In this article, we will present a collection of the most important Artificial Intelligence applications that have changed the entire world.

1.  Digital Assistants: One of the most important AI apps for accelerating business execution

digital assistant

It is a program that helps communicate with apps, like communicating with a real person. It simulates language, and then it translates and processes it so that it can communicate correctly with users. One of the most important tools in AI applications because of its multiple features, including:

  • Convenience and speed of communication

By speaking directly without the need to use hands in the writing process. In addition to controlling many smart home appliances such as lighting, for example, through direct speech without the need to use each technological tool’s controller.

  • Access to many learning and education services

A digital assistant can solve and explain homework. As well as it helps learn different languages, music, or even study subjects.

  • High Efficiency

Digital Assistant has high efficiency as it can do business with high accuracy, high quality, and as little time as possible. Therefore, it is a great way to save effort and enhance work efficiency.

  • Prevention of mistakes

The digital assistant is characterized by high precision business delivery resulting in the elimination of human errors, and therefore we can obtain valid and reliable results through the use of the digital assistant. Especially because AI works away from human feelings like tiredness, exhaustion, or even boredom. In doing so, it operates with the same level of precision and quality without fatigue or boredom.

Examples of digital assistant applications

One of the most important examples of these applications is:

It is available on APPLE devices, this assistant is accurate in recognizing sound and accomplishing the tasks required of it. It is also easy to use and uncomplicated. The most prominent features of responding to queries, scheduling appointments, making calls, and sending messages. In addition to executing commands and opening windows such as playing music. It also can control home appliances, search for online information, translate languages, and much more.

Google Assistant is the digital assistant on Android devices, and like any other assistants can execute commands, connect to the Internet, and provide information through it. It is generally easy to use.

It is the assistant found on Amazon devices. This assistant can perform basic tasks, as well as buy products from Amazon.

Digital assistant on Windows devices. It has been developed by Amazon. It can implement the basic functions of digital assistants such as opening windows, running applications, and bringing information from the Internet.

2.  Face recognition: one of the most important AI apps in cybersecurity

AI facial recognition

Facial recognition technology is an important technology and an AI app that helps analyze features to identify people. This technology is based on algorithms to process digital images or video frames. The technology is based on selecting the distinctive features or the person’s face features in the image. Then matching them with the person’s facial features in its database. So. it can provide a clear and correct result (like identification of the characters in case of thefts). or approval of an operation (like entry into a company after confirmation of the employee’s face).

Here are the most notable uses of AI facial recognition technology:

Cybersecurity: Most companies use facial recognition systems rather than passwords to enhance security and keep users private. So, it is a very accurate and effective AI tool.

Marketing: Ads suitable for each person are displayed according to the user’s demographic characteristics.

Medicine and health care: Through the use of facial recognition technology, patients can be analyzed and diagnosed, and their health status can be monitored.

The most popular AI applications in facial recognition

Where many professional ai apps in facial recognition have recently spread. These include:

It is an app that allows the user to search for images of people by uploading a photo of them.

It is a facial recognition platform developed by Amazon.

3.  Machine translation: one of the most important AI apps in self-learning

Automated translation is a technique in which artificial intelligence is used to transform text from one language to another without human assistance or interference, but it may not always be effective due to its inaccuracy and inability to give correct translation at all times, and its reliance on giving a literal translation of the required text.

One of the most important advantages of automated translation

Machine translation is characterized by its ability to provide human effort and comfort through:

  • Saving time: The automated translator can translate text at high speed saving time and effort.
  • Ease of use and flexibility: The translator can translate the text into any language required and at any time, even in the absence of a human interpreter.

4.  Driverless Cars (Self_driving cars)

self driving cars

They are cars that can sense the surrounding environment, and drive without any human interference. They are responsible for all different driving activities, system monitoring, and vehicle control. Self-driving cars work on a set of rules and technologies that help them to choose their correct path.

Auxiliary technologies for self-driving cars

One of the most important assistive technologies for self-driving cars:

  • Remote sensors: such as cameras and radar.
  • Algorithms: These help analyze the data captured from remote sensing devices and convert them into understandable formats. When processing this data, autonomous cars can make the right decision for the right driving.
  • Artificial intelligence: It helps to learn and choose how to drive appropriately and appropriately for all circumstances.

Autonomous Car Features

Self-driving cars have many features, the most important of which are:

  1. Protection and Safety

It works to reduce traffic accidents and thereby maintain safety at a higher level and obtain greater safety.

  • Reducing the proportion of human error

Self-driving cars rely on accurate systems, and since most car accidents occur due to human errors in driving, self-driving cars reduce human error and reduce accidents.

  • Accessibility

Self-driving cars help people who are unable to drive by reaching the required places.

Medical diagnosis

AI works greatly to help doctors diagnose diseases more quickly, AI can give the closest and healthiest diagnosis of a patient’s condition than doctors can do. It can improve patients’ health care to get to the best. They include the use of artificial intelligence in the areas of cardiac disease detection and rapid treatment of strokes.

The most important uses of artificial intelligence in the field of medical diagnosis

Improve diagnostic accuracy: AI in the diagnostic field helps raise efficiency and accuracy in working by analyzing this data.

  • Cost Reduction

By diagnosing diseases early reducing the cost of treatment and choosing the best and best treatment for patients.

  • Raising Health Care Accessibility

This is done by providing medical tools to doctors in remote and remote areas and helping patients in remote areas obtain appropriate diagnoses and treatment.

In conclusion, it can be argued that artificial intelligence constitutes a technological revolution that can bring about enormous changes in human life and may lead to facilitating human actions and solving many of the planet’s problems. Introducing AI into future applications can reduce costs and facilitate and speed up operations while maintaining business quality. With human supervision, artificial intelligence does not cause the world’s high level of unemployment. We can say that Artificial intelligence can have tremendous capabilities if its applications are used appropriately.

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