Add random numbers in Excel using Rand, Randbetween.

In this lesson, we will learn how to add different types of random numbers in Excel.

Add random random numbers between 0 and 1 in Excel

1- First, write the function “=RAND()” in a new cell.

the function "=RAND()" to add random numbers
the function “=RAND()”

2- Then, from the keyboard, press “Enter”.


3- Drag the cells next to it to write more numbers.

Drag the cells
Drag the cells

Write random numbers between 0 and 100 in Excel

1- Write the name of the function that generates random numbers between zero and one “RAND()=”.

the function "RAND()=" to write random numbers
the function “RAND()=”

2- Multiply the function by 100: “=RAND*100”.


3- From the keyboard, press “Enter”.


4- Drag the cells next to it to write more numbers.

Drag the cells
Drag the cells

Write numbers without commas (integer) between 0 and 100 in Excel

1- In a new cell, write the name of the function that produces regular numbers “INT()=”.

"INT()=" to add random numbers

2- Within this function, we write the name of the function that gives random numbers between zero and one “RAND()=”.


3- We multiply the second function by 100 so that the numbers become between zero and 100.

multiply the second function
multiply the second function

4- From the keyboard, we press “Enter”.


5- We drag the cells next to it to write more numbers.

drag the cells
drag the cells

Writing random numbers between two different specific numbers in Excel

1- In a new cell, we write the function “RANDBETWEEN(=”.

the function "RANDBETWEEN(="
the function “RANDBETWEEN(=”

1- We specify the first value within the function, which is the smaller value.

specify the first value
specify the first value

2- We put a comma “; ” and then specify the second value within the function, which is the larger value.

 put a comma "; "
put a comma “; “

3- We close the bracket and from the keyboard, we press “Enter”.


2- We drag the cells next to it to write more numbers.

drag the cells
drag the cells

3- Note: If we want this information to remain constant and not change with each change to another function, we copy it and then paste it as text.

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